SubSystems in the OS The Four new subsystems in the OS Kernal and system drivers are the Math subsystem, the TSR control unit, the TI-OS Variable Support section, and the Relocation System Controller. The Math subsystem includes all hte ROM's math functions, along with some of its own functions for ease of use. It contants the floating point support operations invloving the floating point stack. It also contains some comparison and logic evaluation functions. The TSR control unit is in the kernal entirely, and it is what allows the kernal to support program residencey, and the interrupt list It has a few of its own interrupts for the system for maintenance purposes, and it also is in charge of safely exiting the interrupt system when the OS exits, taking off the interrupt list so that it doesnt screw up during the TI-OS. If specifically requested by the program code, it may append the code onto the end of the Bootstrap loader and relocate it again, so it can be run during the TI-OS operation. (this last part may be in a further version or something.) The next subsystem is the TI-OS Variable Support section. This is the part that emulates the TI-OS variables when an Usgard/ZShell program attempts to use a TI-OS variable. It allocates some RAM for it and copies the variable into a DHOS memory arena. Then the program is made to believe the variable actually is there. The VAR functions actually modify that variable. Then when the program is exited, the var is kept in an arena. When the OS exits back to TI-OS, all the variables in the TI-OS list actually modify the TI-OS variables. That is when deletion/resizing/creation/modification of the actually TI-OS variables occurs, preventing the programs from needing to be relocated. The final new subsystem to be discussed here is the Relocation System Controller. this is the part that uses the relocation table included in the file, but loaded into a different arena, to modify the actually program's code and function calls to be correct for the current ROM version, currrent OS version, and its postion in the RAM. it also modifies the program to deal correctly with the library calls and other loaded file calls. When done with the relocation table, it deletes it from the RAM arena, freeing up space for other things. This document is a description of a few of the subsystems to the OS kernal that i just added to the jpeg image of the circle diagram showing the OS's related elements. These subsystem support more and more of the features that were given as ideas for the system. Any more ideas, please email them to the list.